Wellington, NZ - The Journey Begins

At slightly past midnight on 1 June 2018 we set foot on New Zealand soil after what seemed like an eternity.  It was 1 October 2017 when we first decided to apply for a Visa to work in New Zealand.  Needless to say, the process was arduous and fraught with stress and uncertainty. Everything seemed to bite us in the a$$: political nonsense to keep us in Australia, FBI background checks (antiquated to say the very least), invasive medical tests with expensive and even more invasive follow-up.  We were near the point of throwing it all away and moving back to the Unites States!  But I digress.... was that a preamble or just a ramble?
Anyway, we got off the plane quite exhausted from two days of moving from one country to another. You've got the whole end of lease cleaning and inspection, arranging and supervising shipping companies, packing 300 lbs. (140 KG) of carry-on luggage, and my personal favourite, selling all the stuff we chose not to move.  Eesh... Sorry, another ramble.
We are staying at the Bolton Hotel (Office Space: no relation) which is a 13 year old building located a 9 iron away from Parliament. It's on the quieter side of Wellington, but, Wellington is so geographical compact that we are a 20 minute walk to anything and everything.  The property is modelled with Europe in mind so it's quaint and the people are incredibly friendly and helpful -- almost to the point of suspicious.  We are here for 30 days, living out of a one room suite while we search for a more permanent apartment or house for the next few years.  The room is more than adequate with a small kitchenette and a washer/dryer in the room.   
Julie worked for most of the first day breaking away around 2:45 so we could set up our local banking.  Having done all of that in Australia, the process went smoothly although if you don't know how, it can be a pain. Julie scored a major win at the bank buying her Wellington version of the "Entertainment Book" which is a 500 page coupon book for the frugally inclined.  The weather was cool and mildly wet (Wellington standards) but nothing too unbearable.  It's the beginning of winter here so it should be cold and wet.... kind of like Portland, Oregon.

The Tasting Room
After the bank we needed food.  Julie hadn't eaten all day and I had eaten lunch so we headed to the place immediately next to the bank -- The Tasting Room.  The Tasting Room is a corner pub like place that was really warm and cosy with a friendly Irish bartender greeting us enthusiastically. (We had a chuckle thinking of my Mom, Ginnie when we looked at the place across the street -- The Welsh Dragon Bar. My Mom is very VERY proud of her Welsh heritage! We will have to make a trip there soon.) Our plan was to grab a quick pint there and then find a restaurant afterward.  We ordered our pint and browsed the menu.  Naturally, Julie pulled out her newly acquired Entertainment Book and discovered a coupon for buy one, get one free. Of course, there was no way I was going to talk her out of eating there even though it was only 4:30 in the afternoon.

Julie ordered a Panhead Supercharger APA to drink (she loved it) and I ordered a Tui Indian Pale Ale (I didn't love mine) and as for food Julie ordered the Lamb rack with rocket, truffle mash, green beans & jus  and I order the Beef Wellington with lyonnaise potatoes, parma ham & red wine jus.  One of the things we remembered most about Wellington was the quality of the food.  Heading into a pub and ordering two pretty elaborate mains might not be recommended, however, we were not disappointed.  Julie's was really good and mine was too.  It was a bit of a shock for our Australian trained palate because of the wonderful range of spices.  We both thought our food was over salted but not to an obnoxious degree.  Bottom line -- if you have the nerve to order fancy dishes in a pub this is a good place to do so... Note: The table next to us ordered these gigantic platters of food.  I counted three platters for 5 people.  Crazy!

From there we wandered back toward the hotel which is about a 20 minute stroll.  We stopped near the hotel at a neighbourhood sports bar for q quick nightcap and were back at the hotel super early and ready for sleep.

P.S. - Our Ooma VoiceOverIP does not work in our hotel. Leave a message if needed and I will check in Monday for the first time.  Also, I have turned in my phone which means snapchat and instagram are not available to me either.
Beef Wellington

Rack of Lamb

Gigantic Platters of Food


  1. Very cool, Jeff. Thanks for doing this. Awesome to follow your NZ adventure! Looks like you have a bit of a rendering issue on your blog (text scrunched between "Rack of Lamb" and "Beef Wellington" pics. Browser I'm using is Chrome on a 15" MacBook Pro. Cheers, mate!

    1. I think I shored up the formatting on the blog template -- hope so. Thanks for the comment Mac


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